Looking for a therapeutic, relaxation massage by an RMT? Have an ICBC claim and need RMT treatment? Or dealing with a orthopedic injury? We’ve got the guy for you! We are so pleased to introduce you all to Donggi Seo, RMT and Brandon Benson, RMT, the newest addition’s to the HWU Team.

We know he is a great fit for our clinic, and for you, our clients! His schedule starts in February, and is open for booking now. Please see below for more information about Donggi and Brandon and to book your appointment.

Coronavirus and Cold/Flu Information

Masks are not required for your therapy appointments. Please ask your therapist if you would prefer that one be worn. And as always, please do not come to your appointment sick. Thank you kindly!

Staff Updates

Last year, we gave a fond farewell to Samantha Harder, RMT and Dr. Masse, DC & and a warm welcome to Syndey Smith, RMT, Amanda Chow, RMT and Dr. Chelsea Lillbeck, DC. And GREAT NEWS, Erin Ziprick, RMT is back working at HWU part-time! Please see her schedule below.

Our Physiotherapists are busy! Danika Schroeter, MPT is currently not taking patients, please check back in May. And Megan Holm, DPT kindly requests you reach out directly to inquire about a new assessment. Please do not book a subsequent visit in lieu of a new assessment.